Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thought I would share.

I have been trying to stay away from cancer blogs because we are all so different and I can't stress myself out with what (met's, "incurable" and death) has transpired with others who have not been so fortunate. It is very hard for me to pull myself away from these beautiful women and not wonder if the same fate is for me.

So this morning when I came across this beautiful YOUNG Mommy's blog, I deemed it safe because although her treatment is completely different than mine, she is just a few steps behind me and I am alright with the fact that I have BARELY!!! been there and done that.

So I read on... and on... and on. She is also 31 and has three children, a 5 year old girl and twin boys (3 I think). Anyways, her blog is great. While reading I came across a little poem I guess, can't think of the right word, and LOVED it immediately. So I thought I copy it and post it here for you to read. It is completely true.


There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.

Well, she said, I think I'll braid my hair today!
So she did.
And she had A Wonderful Day!

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.

Hmmm, she said, I think I'll part my hair down the middle today!
So she did.
And she had a Grand Day!

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.

Well, she said, today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail!
So she did.
And she had a Fun Day!

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.

Yay! she exclaimed, I don't have to fix my hair today!

Attitude is everything!

And I have to hold onto that. :)

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